Tuesday, September 4, 2018

What I feel like any time I say I'm going to be better about posting....

     So I find my biggest draw back in social media is I'm never sure how much people want to hear or what they want to hear. I can ramble on forever as excited as can be but then I panic and second guess myself. This usually leads to me deleting entire posts and getting stuck on what to do next. I don't know how many times I've typed and deleted the post about the Not This Day Dress post. At this point I'm having to remind myself that this is my project to do with as I will and write about as I see fit. Although I sometimes struggle to put my thoughts into written word I am still going to do so. It may take me a bit to wrangle my thoughts and get it down correctly but I am going to do it. There may still be gaps in my productivity be it money issues or me struggling with my anxiety and depression but I'm working to close those gaps up. Thank you for coming with me this far.

Until next time,                 